Garden Tips
Say no to hand watering, for your garden’s sake
Unless you stand like a statue, watering in one spot for an hour, you cannot give your plants enough moisture.
Perennials, PNW native plants, Summer Garden
Penstemons: the showy perennial
What can be said about the genus Penstemon, commonly called beardtongue? Plenty!
Flower Comics, Garden Humor
Is that a garden trick?
After an injury that tore my rotator cuff, I had months of physical therapy before and after surgery. Sometimes my PT...
Foliage, Trees
A Living Fossil — Ginkgo biloba
When we look at this tree, we witness a living link to a prehistoric time....
In the Garden, Vines
When Short on Garden Space, Grow Up with Clematis
Look up and see all that unused space above.
In the Garden, Ornamental grass, Water feature
Spill Your Grass!
Imagine a water feature surrounded by Japanese forest grass
Garden Tour
Peggy Miles Memorial Garden
Rarely does a garden on a tour touch my heartstrings like this one did.
Bulbs, Extraordinary plants, Shade
Bring Back Arisaemas to My Garden
Once upon a time I had a small, but beautiful collection in my garden. In this new woodland garden I only...