I made myself some picturesTo see what they might bringI think I made them perfectlyI wouldn’t change a thing.~John Denver...
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Why is this beautiful six-inch high Umbilicus oppositifolium (pronounced um-BIL-ih-kus op-po-sit-ee-FOH-lee-um) not better known? The spoon-shaped, succulent, evergreen leaves look great year-round.......
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Do you remember biting off the tip of a columbine flower spur and sucking out the sweet nectar reward? I remember. The......
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Avid gardeners have a lot to celebrate in the New Year — a fresh garden season and innovative, new plant introductions for......
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Owners of homes near the seashore have the advantage of taking what nature deposits near their doors and turning them into treasures......
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Originally written for West Sound Magazine in 2014. One day, the Greek goddess Aphrodite caught Apollo flirting with a shy, beautiful nymph......
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