The Woman In Golden Yellow

I found Aphrodite hanging in a hardware store a few decades ago. I realize that the last sentence sounds morbid, yet it’s the truth.
A wall pot made in the likeness of the goddess Aphrodite hung high on the wall at Kingston Henery Hardware. I had to have her for my garden. So I crossed my fingers, saved money, and returned to the store. She still hung high on the wall.
I purchased her and brought her home. I contemplated what I should plant inside her head. I know, I know, morbid strikes again.
I wasn’t sure what I would do for her first planting, but she needed some brilliant hues to brighten up her silvery gray appearance.
Her first planting was our Pacific Northwest native succulent, Sedum ‘Cape Blanco’, which grows along the Southern Oregon border.
The gray foliage didn’t stand out; the hues were almost identical to the pot. Its flowers changed the entire look. The top of Aphrodite’s head had a halo of golden flowers.
Unfortunately, when the flowers faded, the sedum’s silvery gray foliage blended too much. I didn’t plant Aphrodite again until recently with some creeping ferns. That will be another story once it matures. In this photo, she will remain a heavenly creature with a golden halo.