Out of My Comfort Zone — a Christmas Story

Flashback Thursday (originally written on December 24, 2013)
Last night something strange happened. I was getting ready to shut the computer off after a night of writing, and a friend request came in on Facebook (FB). Before I accept an invitation, I look for shared friendships if I do not know the person. Many who friend me are part of the gardening community. The friend request came from a young man who had no mutual friends with me.
I peeked in on his timeline to see if I could find something there that would make me feel comfortable to accept him as an FB friend. But, unfortunately, I did not find anything. Usually, I would have ignored him. Then I saw that he was in my county, so I went out of my comfort zone and accepted his request.
He immediately private messaged me, and I thought, oh boy, a spammer or creep—they usually play their hand right away.)
I opened the message and read, “Hi there, Miss Teashon! We don’t know each other, but I was going through West Sound Home and Garden Magazine and found some pictures of your garden displayed. I was wondering if I could ask you about one of the plants you have pictured?”
Phew, he is not a spammer, I thought—just a young man with interest in plants.
“Sure, I don’t mind,” I wrote.
“Thank you. There’s a picture of a single purple wavy leaf with a green/white stripe going through the middle of it. I have searched up and down the internet, trying to figure out what it is but have had no luck. Could you tell me what it is?”
Now I had no idea what he was talking about, so I picked up the WSM magazine and leafed through it to see if I could find this exciting plant I had growing in my garden. It turns out it was one of Barbara Sanderson’s blown glass art.
When I told him what it was, he laughed and said his mother liked the plant and wanted it. He wanted to give it to her for Christmas. I sent him over to Barb’s website.
In closing, he said, “It definitely does, even though I feel really ridiculous now haha. Hey, thank you for helping out, especially this late.”
“Don’t be; I think that is very cool! Thanks for telling me, and I hope you can get her one of Barbara’s pieces.”
“That’s the mission now; keep up the good work. My mom loves your pictures and garden, have a good night!”
“Thanks! You have a good night too.” I shut off my computer, feeling like a helpful little elf, blessed by the words of such a sweet young man.